BBA certificate
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This certificate, issued by the BBA, relates to Plygene Gutterline, a watertight thermoplastic membrane system for lining existing gutters.
It is the only system of its type or similar to achieve this accreditation, achieved in recognition of certain standards satisfied.
The Plygene Gutterline system’s BBA certification is dependent on several key areas, including:
• Weathertightness
• Resistance to mechanical damage
• Durability
• Joint performance
• Maintenance
• Practicability of installation
The system was subjected to comprehensive tests before Plygene Gutterline was granted BBA certification status, such as:
• Dimensional stability
• Tensile strength and elongation
• Low temperature flexibility
• Tear strength
• Nail tear resistance
• Integrity of joints
• Hardness
• Resistance to heat
• Resistance to artificial weathering
The BBA certification includes factors relating to independently verified technical specifications, design considerations and building compliance (where applicable).
Function: This certificate relates to Gutterline, a watertight thermoplastic membrane system for lining existing gutters
Type: Technical documents